My Thoughts on Austin....
posted by Free Press Houston @ 12:09 PM
Geez. I could poop on the whole city of Austin. The Chronicle today posted this article about how Austin is losing it's self-proclaimed title as 'Live Music Capital of the World'. I mean, yeah, they got a shit-ton of festivals from outta town coming through and a city infrastructure that supports live music unlike our shithead municipality. But let's be frank: What has Austin produced musically in the lat 10 years or so? Spoon and Fastball? Who am I forgetting here? My guess is that any one of the millions-selling H Town rappers like Paul Wall or Slim Thug have outsold any Austin act. Also, everytime I o to Austin, despite seeing so many attendees at shows, they rarely are watching the bands and savoring the music as we do. But that is not the point. My point is that Austin is full of frat boys and Whole-Foods hippies and I hate them. I hate them to their core. Almost as much as I hate Dallas folk. We will kill them first. As for all the 'progressive' types that move to Austin for a more suitable environment, they do so at the expense of leaving behind the struggle they so adamantly are proponents of. You know what they say, the rats are the first to jump ship.

You guys should sign names on rants.
Although I agree with you about Dallas, I kinda like Austin. The whole hate Austin things seems so silly and counterproductive for Houston.
Houston's going to win out the popularity contest in the long run. There's no reason to beat up on Austin. SXSW house parties are by far the awesomest thing that happens in Texas music and the best way to see lots of bands. Nothing close to that happens in Houston.
Also: Horse + Donkey
Indeed, ya gotta love Austin and I do, but they are no 'Live Music Capital of the World'. NYC? LA? Paris? Portland?
Yeah, those people in Austin suck balls. They're just doing what they want to do. Shame on them.
To be fair (which is rare), it's the "Live Music Capital"; not "Live Music Capital Where Bands Get Discovered And Go On To Be the Next Rolling Stones."
The music in Austin is played lively. What's wrong with that? I don't think people have huge expectations about success after Austin. Time spent in Austin is meant to be fun and exciting; not stressed out and cutthroat.
And why are you making claims about how people are supposed to enjoy music? Sounds like you want some Uniform Music Listening Etiquette Ordinance.
You have to take the good with the bad, my friend. And Austin is not all that bad.
But by all means, let's burn Dallas to the ground.
Mills, Are those guys in the pic your homies?
as a General Rule if you see Free Press Houston - that is Omar unless he posts it for someone else in which case hell manually add a byline for the author. Does that clear up authorship?
And yeah I agree that it does very little for Houston to throw fits about Austin. If anything I find that, as of late, there have been some real bridges being built between Austin and Houston bands.
That being said I think Jon Stewart pretty much put the whole "Live Music Capital of the World" marketing campaign in it's place ages ago by simply adding "...or so they keep telling me."
It's a joke kids, as so evidenced by the 'we will kill them first' jibe. Austin is a blast and they have done well for themselves with what little they got. But point is that the 'live music capital of the world' accolade is self proclaimed and self perceived to which I say, why don't we use the same premise. Austin is ok by me, but let's still raze Dallas to the ground.
You know the best thing is about a trip to Austin?
The drive back home.
And screw that "progressive hippie" crap. They got an out of control homeless population too, and apparently the police force is all SWAT trained.
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