Friday, November 21, 2008

This Week's Music Preview - November 21, 2008

posted by Ramon Medina - LP4 @ 6:38 AM

Oh man, I just know anything I write about that picture one the right I'll regret tomorrow. Anyhow, it's Turkey slaughter week here in The USA. That means someone is going to try to convince you the fauxTurkey tastes as good as Ben Franklin's favorite bird instead of just making the really good vegetarian meal you know they could make, you'll have to bite your tongue at the sugary myth served kids about the early European Settlers and the Native Americans and treat it more as a parable of cooperation and what this country should be rather than a history lesson, and you'll likely have to figure out whose parents (and the accompanying eccentricities) you'll likely spend the holiday. Yes, that's what motivated our spotlight this week - the need for Booze! Lots of it!

Anyhow there is a lot going on this weekend - music and sidewalk painting, a benefit for a beloved axe wielder, a solid blues show, and a whole lot of metal. So check it out. Gobble Gobble. (link)