I forsee clutch shenanigans tonight at IndieHouston house
posted by Free Press Houston @ 8:28 AM

First off. This shit is free. Good, cause we know your steadily saving your precious dollars to afford the $20 wristband for the evening portion of the Block Party w/ St.Vincent, Valient Thorr, Devin the Dude, HEALTH, Belaire, and more. That said, I am excited to see Muhammid Ali. Gotta say, I first discovered them when they tried to add FPH on myspace and their profile pic was Prophet Muhummad (PBUH) with a bomb on his head. Despite the myopic image selection, Ali has some real clutch tunes and an even clutcher soundscape. We will declare them the 'it shit' now and shower them with praise and accolades but will soon bask in their demise and declare their predictability. Thus is the natural order of things. Anyways, they got an aces (word borrowed from the sadly defunct Skyline Network-Thanks ADR) lineup tonight at our comrades in arms IndieHouston house also including The Tontons, Tax the Wolf, and Giant Battle Monster. It's BYOB yet there will be limited Keg Beer.
1816 Calumet Doors
at 6PM

thanks for the love omar
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