Monday, November 9, 2009

Interview: The Eastern Sea

posted by Free Press Houston @ 9:48 AM

by Omar Afra

Alas, the dangers of being an indie-folk-button-plaid-acoustish-band are many. But the Eastern Sea has one ace in their hole that differentiate them from the legions of other beard-clad bands that compete with them in this new yet popular genre. The Eastern Sea has dynamic. Dynamic is a rare quality many new bands lack as they are unable to musically build a narrative, create rising and falling action, and crescendo into something greater than the individual parts the musicians play. This is what makes good songs great and the Eastern Sea has exemplified this on their soon to be released self-titled EP. The total band is comprised of about 10 people yet a handful of them makeup the core. This core took the time to answer a few questions about white people getting decapitated, songwriting, Puma stores, and Cardi’s 2000.

Tell us about writing and recording the new EP. Was it one of those seamless, easy processes or a challenging ordeal?

Zach: Well, it was seamless in comparison to making our last EP. But at the same time, it took a lot out of us. We started recording in July of 2008 and are just now putting it out, so it definitely took longer. Drum wise it simplified because I got to do all the drums at once, unlike the last EP where we recorded snare, bass drum, high hats, and cymbals all separately. Also, a lot of the bass guitar and drums were recorded once and then re-recorded after everything else was laid down. We went through a lot to get the perfect sounds. But even considering all of these factors, it was still more seamless than the first EP.

With 9 potential members in the band, is the recording process difficult?

Jess: Yes it is difficult. Luckily we haven’t had to deal with that yet, as you’ll find out when you get EPII

'The Snow' is a stellar tune. Where did that come from?

Matt: The Snow was written about 3 and a half years ago and it was originally just a really washed out acoustic guitar tune that I had played a few times at some shows at coffeeshops. I wrote it, originally, as another one of my bitter attempts at summing up a very unusual friendship I had, this time with a girl named Caitlin.

When I wrote the song, I had known her for about one or two years since she had first came to the university I was attending, St. Edward’s in Austin, and at the time she was dealing with a pretty harsh break up with her long time boyfriend. She was completely convinced, as most people are when they are going through an emotionally wrenching time in their lives, that she was going out of her mind and that it was her mental instability that was causing the majority of her problems. I was a confidant for her in a lot of ways, but over time, I began to resent my position as her friend and begin to see our relationship as painful because of my inability to help the situation or even convince her that the kind of care I was willing to provide her was beneficial.

So I wrote that song to tell her that she was wrong about a lot of things. And in the process I realized I was wrong as well. We continued being close friends all through college and began seeing each other romantically the last semester we were both at St. Edward’s. Now we are in love, she moved to Berlin and I’m going to stay with her for Christmas. Haha. It’s strange; no one really knows the end of the story to the Snow. For me, it’s a pretty happy song because none of it was necessary. For others, it just ends with you’re not dead. Our full length record that we are writing right now, in a way, follows up on the snow (not necessarily musically) and develops a lot of the complex things about the continuation of that story for me.

So your Myspace says you are an Austin band yet many of ya'll hail from Houston. Please tell us something disparaging about Austin and something wonderful about Houston.

Jess: Austin is a playground for people who don’t wish to grow up.

Houston makes you feel 10 years older (and wiser).

Matt: Austin is home to many hipsters and trustfundafarians.

Houston is home to their parents.

Zach: Austin is without the Eastern Sea on November 14th.

Houston has the Eastern Sea for the weekend.

Tomas: Austin Colt McCoy sucks ass.

Houston , The Puma store at the Sharpstown Mall has a sweet selection.

Kevin: Austin, whalebones

Houston. Whalebones

Your EP Release is scheduled the evening of Nov. 14th following the Block Party at Numbers alongside Dead Prez. Are you a little afraid they might decapitate one of you crackers?

Kevin: Yes.

Some of the new tunes have the potentiality to be expressed live with a larger cast of musicians. Can we expect the lineup to expand or simplify?
Zach : This lineup for the show at numbers will be the first show to feature 8+ people in the band, including string players and plenty of other new instruments. Who knows if it will expand or simplify. I think we’re just happy knowing we can do it with everyone or revert back to the four of us and still be proud of the product we’re putting out there.

Fill in the blanks: Houston is the music capital of the universe because of______?

Cardis 2000.
The Eastern Sea will be releasing the EP in Houston at Numbers following the Westheimer Block Party on November 14th alongside the unlikely coupling of Dead Prez and Japanther .

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At November 10, 2009 at 4:32 PM , Blogger - said...

digging the interview

At November 14, 2009 at 1:24 AM , Anonymous geoff said...

Texas is coming up.


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