Meet the new Boss, same as....?
posted by Free Press Houston @ 9:20 AM

Ok, I voted for the guy in the interests of avoiding another 8 years of Bush via McCain; effectively accepting a slap in the face as opposed to getting shot in the nuts. But I can't say I am happy with Obama's Inauguration Speech, with his silence during the massacres in Gaza, and his shitty cabinet choices. His speech was more of the same 'we will defeat you' and 'it's gonna be a long road ahead'..Well, maybe I am quickly disenchanted. What do you think?

I couldn't agree more.
Very vague and open ended, and I wasn't very impressed with his statement of "..we will continue to honor the practices of our forefathers...: --- If that statement were true in a positive light he would be lying because the last eight years have been nothing but changing/ratifying amendments. If it is true in a negative light, we all know our "forefathers" were kickin it at the Hellfire club and were all practicing Freemasons with globalist agendas.
He's got a good vibe though and he gets the people in good spirits so I'm not completely against him, and at least his speech wasn't all dictatorbird like some Hillary or Bush.
Shelby Hohl
I thought it was actually a really good speech with very not so subtle jabs at Bush's legacy.
Yes, the cabinet is a snooze fest of political hacks but I've no issues with his silence on Gaza; he wasn't the president until nigh two hours ago so he was biding his time. Now it's his show and I'm gonna judge him by his actions. Until then it's just wait, see, and hope.
omar- you are too shell-shocked from the last eight years of bush to be objective. maybe obama should have added palestine to the axis of evil, or perhaps he should have gotten up there and done a rap about foreign policy. wtf were you expecting- its a inauguration speech! the guy is not perfect. when you say political hacks in his cabinet, who would have made you happy? maybe he should have picked all those experts that dont work in washington, you know, the ones that nobody knows and that happen to be unemployed and could get confirmed...
he just got sworn in, give him a few days. damn.
he is no sarah palin, thats for sure!
i cant believe he has not picked everyone for his cabinet that you wanted! unbelievable! he picked all those hacks instead! what a dumbass- he should have asked you first!
i would have liked to hear obama talk about the baseball steroid scandal in his speech. otherwise, it was crap. all this bs about duty, citizenship, honesty, hard work and stuff.
give me a break!
i wanted to hear a long meditation on gaza! damn you barack!
Can I please just give off some cautious optimism? I will the the guy 72 hours before I actually judge his presidency. Sheesh. But let's get real: It is VERy important that we are not swept up by the massive significance of his election and subsequently forget the URGENT challenges before us: How long do we give him to end the Iraq war? 6 months? 6 years? How long till he has to make good on promises of health care, reform, etc? Don't just give him a green light just because. Good on ya America for g-getting the guy in office, now let's hold his feet to the fire!
i kinda liked the "we will defeat you" stuff. it reminded me of Lee vs. Waltrip (1995).
lets prosecute obama for torturing! oh, wait...
i bet obama will ruin the economy. bush left him a surplus, and i am sure he'll screw it up somehow.
i totally agree! i think we should hold his feet to the fire! if he doesnt clean up bush's mess in an orderly fashion, we should hold him accountable! we should have tribunals to prosecute the obama administration if they cant undo 8 years of bush in a time that i see fit.
In response to your comment Omar. I think we give him a couple years to settle in. Then...we start the analysis of his administration. He has made a lot of promises...and the slogan for his campaign has been Hope and Change. I HOPE he can follow through on that CHANGE.
i really though this line was so "vague" AND "open ended":
"To those leaders around the globe who seek to sow conflict, or blame their society's ills on the West -- know that your people will judge you on what you can build, not what you destroy. To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history; but that we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist."
I'm more inclined to judge Barack Hussein on what he did once he took over than the content of what is, admittedly, one of his less impressive speeches.
The fact that he's gone on record that addressing human rights issues in Gaza has to be part of any sort of cease-fire initiative and the fact that he has signed executive orders calling for an end to Bush-era torture and illegal prisons speaks in his favor.
As for the aging political hacks populating his cabinet (I'm looking at YOU, Hillary Clinton)...let's see what orders he gives them, let's see how effectively those orders get carried out.
Anyone who thinks that Obama was merely the lesser of evils is either politically naive or needs to broaden their reading habits. This guy has the potential to be a major big fucking deal....and it sure looks like that's what he has in mind.
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